Register now for October 2019
04sepAll Day21octRegister now for October 2019Next term of classes begins October 22
Event Details
Registration for the October 21, 2019 term of classes opens on September 4, 2019. Programs offered for this term include: Automotive Collision Technology Technician program Automotive Service Technology program Digital Media /
Event Details
Registration for the October 21, 2019 term of classes opens on September 4, 2019.
Programs offered for this term include:
Automotive Collision Technology Technician program
Automotive Service Technology program
Digital Media / Multimedia Design program
Digital Photography Technology program
Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality (Day & Evening) program
Practical Nursing* progam (*Starts 10/30/19 and then 1/30/20)
Television Production Technology program
Introduction to Computers course (Starts October 17, 2019)
Since these classes begin on October 21, 2019, please do not wait until the last minute to register. Classes can fill up quickly, and the financial aid process can take a bit of time. CLICK HERE to see how to get started with registration and move forward with the year of the better you! For hours of operation for our Admissions Office, Financial Aid Office, Registrar, and more CLICK HERE. Get started with your FAFSA by CLICKING HERE. Our school code is 030036.
September 4, 2019 - October 21, 2019 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
McFatter Technical College