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Assess Your Online Readiness

You may have questions about how ready you are to complete your education courses online.  Take the quiz below to see if online learning is for you:

  • I have access to a computer with high speed internet connection.   Yes or No
  • I am comfortable installing and troubleshooting software on my computer.  Yes or No
  • I am proficient in using search engines and advanced search options.  Yes or No
  • I have 9-12 hours per week to dedicate to each of my courses.  Yes or No
  • I believe that online (class) discussions and interactions are as beneficial to my learning experience as in-person communication.  Yes or No
  • I am able to meet deadlines and manage my time.  Yes or No
  • I enjoy peer review, giving and receiving feedback from other students in my classes.  Yes or No
  • I am comfortable communicating primarily via email, discussion boards, and other forms of writing.  Yes or No

If you responded “Yes” to all/most of these questions, then online learning might be right for you.

(This self assessment has been reprinted with permission from CUNY School of Professional Studies).